Your water company
30950 Corral Drive, Suite B
Contact the office at (559) 517-3799 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
After hours, call 760-4349

YSPUC customers: Please download,
fill out and send in form.
Tuesday, March 18
The YSPUC Board of Directors will hold a meeting at 6:30 p.m. today open to all water company customers.
It will be held in the YLP Clubhouse and is available online at:
Friday, Feb. 7
YSPUC apologizes for anyone trying to call the water company today. The power has been out and we were not able to receive calls. If you tried to call us, Please try again and we will return any calls that have left messages on Monday.
Thank you for your understanding.
Debbie Bradberry
Yosemite Spring Park Utility Company
Accounts Receivable/Customer Service
Friday, Jan. 17
YSPUC is flushing hydrants from Revis to Road 400. Please wait for further notice to flush your home lines. Thank You
Dear Yosemite Spring Park Utility Company Customers:
It has come to our attention that there is a meeting being held at the Yosemite Lakes Community Church on January 6, 2025, being organized by YLPwater.com. YSPUC would like to notify all our water customers that this event is in no way affiliated with YSPUC, nor has YSPUC been asked to attend the meeting to provide accurate information. The YSPUC will be holding an open session meeting within the next couple of weeks, where a full update on the operations of our water company will be provided. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at: bluhm.c@yspuc.org
Thank you,
Cheryl Bluhm
I am excited and saddened to share that Jason Teeter (JT) has accepted a Supervisor position with the Water Department of the City of Reedley. After being approached by the City of Reedley in September, they continued to pursue JT for months, and he has decided to take on this new and exciting opportunity. While we will certainly miss JT’s dedication and loyalty to YSPUC, we fully support his decision and wish him the absolute best. Over the years, JT has been an outstanding employee, making valuable contributions to our Water Company and his mentorship of YSPUC employees. Speaking personally, it has been a pleasure working with JT, and I deeply appreciate all his hard work and commitment as the Operations Supervisor/Chief Operator.
Please be assured that YSPUC will not be without water operations management. The YSPUC had a staffing contingency plan in place and JT has graciously offered to aid during the transitional process. The YSPUC will provide further details when our management and staffing placements are in place.
Please join me in wishing him continued success in this new role. CONGRATS JT!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email: bluhm.c@yspuc.org
Kindly, Cheryl Bluhm, YSPUC Interim Board President
What you should know
We have several main wells that provide clean, healthy water for each of the lots and homes. We manage and operate Yosemite Spring Park Utility Company (YSPUC) with a separate board of directors and have employees that work for YSPUC to maintain the system.
Business office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The business office phone number is (559) 517-3799. The business office is closed on all major holidays.
It is also very important not to flush UNTIL YSPUC notifies you to start the flushing process.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we will issue you 1 flushing credit that will be applied to your next month’s bill.
The California Public Utilities Commission determined that, based on its number of customers, the YSPUC can recover 65 percent of its fixed costs through a Readiness to Serve charge.
Without this charge, the rates that YSPUC would have to charge for water would be much higher, as sales of water alone would not cover the costs of operations, at a rate that would appear to be reasonable to the consumer.
Should you need emergency assistance after business hours, on weekends, or on a holiday, please contact us by using our emergency line: (559) 760-4349.
Please contact us for any water company-related emergency during the times specified above. We would rather find out about the problem at 2 a.m. when the problem is small rather than at 7 a.m. when the problem has become very large.
Meters are read monthly and billing statements are sent out by the 5th of each month. Please call us if you do not receive your statement by the 15th of each month.
Your water is being supplied to you from deep rock wells, and so occasional discolored water can occur. Slight discolor that quickly comes and goes is not a concern.
However, if your water becomes dark and stays that way, then IMMEDIATELY take the following steps:
1. Contact the office at (559) 517-3799 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
2. After hours, call 760-4349
3. DO NOT turn on any water in or around your home, unless instructed by YSPUC.
Never run your hot water while it is discolored. However, if you were running the hot water when your water became discolored, you may need to drain your hot water heater as well.
Reports & documents
The leak detection crew will be on N Dome/Sentinel from 7:30 to 10:30 AM on Tuesday, August 20. Please slow down in the area. Thank you!
Water is off on Lilley Mountain Dr. from 41015 Lilley Mtn Dr. through North and South Lilley Mnt. Way. Our crew is working on this issue. We will notify homeowners once water is back on. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The YSPUC Customer Service office is relocating to the Corral building on August 12, 2024. Due to limited parking and unsafe pavement, we will not be accepting water bill payments made in person at the new location. Payments can still be dropped off at the lockbox at the YLOA clubhouse; payments will be picked up on a daily basis. (Please note: payments dropped off at the lockbox must be by check or cash for the exact amount due. Please be sure to include your name and account number.) Payments may be mailed to either address: 30250-B Yosemite Springs Parkway or 30950 Corral Drive, Coarsegold, CA 93614. All other methods of payment, including PayStar, remain unchanged.
The YSPUC Customer Service phone number and email address have not changed. Please continue to call 559-517-3799 or email billing@yspuc.org with any questions or concerns regarding your payments or account status.
Thank you for your patience as we continue improvements to the YSPUC office on Corral.
July 17
YSPUC Update: Water has been restored to Ranger Circle Way and Brave Eagle Court. If you experience brown water, please flush your line outside until it runs clear or up to 15 minutes.
July 14
Water service has been restored on Lilley Mountain Drive. Please flush using your outside lines. Instructions for flushing can be found at : https://www.yosemitelakespark.org/yspuc/
July 14
Dear YSPUC Water Customers (Lilley Mtn Dr, S. Lilley Mtn. Way and N. Lilley Way)
We regret to inform you that you are located in an area that is affected by a critical main break and a clay valve failure leaving your area without water. Due to four main breaks on Lilley Mountain Drive in the last two days and another two breaks and a clay valve failure discovered late last night (7/13/2024), you will be without water today (7/14/2024) and potentially longer until the issues are resolved. In the meantime, YSPUC is coordinating efforts with YLOA staff to provide you with supplemental water and will attempt to deliver supplemental water to your home today. For questions, please call the Emergency Line: (559) 760-4349 We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
July 11
Water is expected to be restored by 11 PM tonight for customers affected by today’s 3rd main break at 39940 Lilley Mountain Drive, extending to Road 400, including S Lilley Ct and N Lilley Ct.
Today alone the YSPUC crew has repaired 52 feet of pipe. This involves installing new drinking water grade piping in the affected section.
The crew has had a long day working in extremely high temperature conditions to expedite the restoration of water to affected customers as soon as possible.
One person will remain on duty overnight to monitor if there are further issues. If additional repairs are needed after 11 pm tonight (7/12/24), the YSPUC crew will commence work starting at 11 AM tomorrow (7/13/24).
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.