YLOA Board of Directors

About the board: 

The YLOA Board of Directors is elected by a vote of the membership. The board officers are elected by board vote. The board has a legal responsibility to exercise due care and undivided loyalty in the interests of the association. 

The board is responsible for:

  •  Maintaining existing assets and amenities
  •  Funding reserves
  •  Common area maintenance
  •  Rules enforcement
  •  Financial and operational management 

YLOA Board Meeting Minutes

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Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy (each director signed a copy)

Meet the directors

Richard Rajecki

Term: 2024-2026
Bio: Rick began his professional career with the U.S. Department of Justice, followed by working in technology audit and control duties at the Federal Reserve Bank. Rick made the transition from government to public corporations including a number of years in management positions with Sun Micro Systems, Oracle Corporation and Microsoft. He has called YLP home for the past 12 years.

Rose Mackey
Vice President

Term: 2023-2025
Bio: Prior to retirement, worked as Public Works Supervisor for Fleet & Facilities maintenance contracts. Before that, computer instructor for elementary school.
Active with Trails & Rec committee.


Ken Sartain

Term: 2024-2026
Formerly in management at Stanford University, other organizations

Cheryl Bluhm

Term: 2024-26
Bio: 25-plus years of experience in business management, project management, human resources and accounting

Pam McDaniel

Term: 2023-2025
Bio: Longtime real estate broker specializing in lending, with accounting, banking and education background as well.

Beate Olivas

Term: 2023-2025
38 years with IRS, former taxpayer advocate/appeals officer for U.S. Tax Court

Dennis Britt

Term: Appointed by board